Lucy Sugden
Tapestry and Woven Art
A glimpse & glimmer of garden life
Latest News About Lucy Sugden
Material Evidence at Courtyard Arts Hertford
MATERIAL EVIDENCE 31 October - 25 November As one exhibition ends another begins and you can find my woven art work at Courtyard Arts in Hertford during November in a Herts Textiles exhibitions. I have a few pieces in this exhibition, two new meadow tapestries, Meadow...
An amazing week talking tapestry and woven art
Wow what and amazing week I had during my solo exhibition Quietly Connected at The Wynd Gallery in Letchworth. I can't quite believe how wonderful the reactions and responses to my work and ideas were, amazing feedback and so lovely to get so many visitors enthused...
Tapestry Talk – the in’s, out’s and ideas!
Talking Tapestry Thursday 26th October 7pm The Wynd Gallery, Letchworth, From flying carpets to fishing line and everything in-between! I am hosting one of my tapestry talks during my exhibition Quietly Connected at The Wynd Gallery. I’ll be taking you through my...