Lucy Sugden
Tapestry and Woven Art
A glimpse & glimmer of garden life
Latest News About Lucy Sugden
Lucy Sugden is taking part in Herts Open Studios 2019
Where to find Lucy during Herts Open Studios Hertfordshire Artists are opening their doors to visitors during September and this year Lucy will be taking part by exhibiting from 7th-29th September with 3 other local artists as the **Baldock 4 at the Old Town Hall*at...
Lucy Sugden in Hertfordshire magazine
#Weaving and Herts Open Studios Described as a **weaver with a difference*in Septembers edition of Hertfordshire Life Magazine, in an article about this years Herts Open Studios. Showing photographs taken by Lucy Sugden of her woven work using monofilament thread, the...
Exhibitions in Hertfordshire July 2019
This summer I'm exhibiting work in two Hertfordshire venues The Affordable Art Sale Pop Up Art Exhibition, 6th & 7th July, @Naomi Czuba Dance Studio, Unit 16, Bizspace Alexander Road, AL2 1JG and Herts Visual Arts Big Art Fair, 13th & 14th July @The Hitchin...