Ella and the Caterpillars

Ella and the Caterpillars

Ella and the CaterpillarsThe deconstruction and reconstruction of a Spirella corset. I was intrigued by the role the Spirella Company played in making Irvin parachutes during the war, photo’s I found showed the Spirella buildings ballroom with rows of sewing machines...
Eclipse in the Letchworth Open

Eclipse in the Letchworth Open

I am delighted to be showing my woven tapestry Eclispe as it takes it’s second flight, this time to the Letchworth Open at The Broadway Gallery. Spot my woven moths in Hertfordshire’s largest exhibition from September 18th -November 9th. For full...
Eclipse in the Letchworth Open


Eclipse The ideas for this piece first began to accumulate in my mind during 2022. I had woven my wasp (Paper) and hoverfly (Lagoon) wings and was continuing to consider the beauty and importance of insects that people often fear or loathe. As a member of the...
Make a ‘Wish’, at the Letchworth Open

Make a ‘Wish’, at the Letchworth Open

In some cultures, blue butterflies are seen as wish granters. When I’m creating work most of my focus and wishes are for the natural habitats around us but when I was weaving Wish, I had an extra personal wish, which came true when we received the news that my husband...