Tapestry Weaving Skills Sessions

These sessions run once a month on Monday’s 10am-12pm or twice a month on Fridays 1-3pm in Letchworth.

Sessions are designed so you can learn and/or further develop your weaving skills in a relaxed atmosphere, and are perfect for anyone who wishes to learn at their own pace, or those would like guidance deveoping their own ideas and projects.  You might be a beginner weaver or someone who has attended one of my workshops before and wants to further develop skills in your own time, or maybe you have had a go in the past, are interested in tapestry weaving or want to learn more.

Sessions are informal with a maximum of three. You can bring your own frame loom to weave on, or use mine which are available to hire or buy.

These sessions are proving to be popular and I am looking to open up Mondays 1-3pm 

If you are interested in further information with the possiblity of joining a group please email me at lucy@lucysugden.co.uk