Natural Threads

Natural Threads

Natural Threads is now open 10am-4pm everyday until and including the 17th October. Pop along to the Wynd Gallery in Letchworth to view Audrey Imber’s paintings of Norton Common and Cornwall. Jackie Uphill’s fantasy embroideries, and my woven fishing line...
Weaving with Waste

Weaving with Waste

Join me on a relaxed fun workshop on October 14th between 7-9pm where we will use waste materials such as fabric off cuts, ribbons, old buttons, wool, cotton and if you wish fishing line, to weave your own wonderful woven art. I’ll teach you the techniques I use to...
Herts Open Studios in Letchworth

Herts Open Studios in Letchworth

Herts Open Studios is well under way and at Art Hive 5 we have been enjoying meeting our visitors. Open Wednesdays – Sundays 10am-4pm until the 10th October there is still plenty of time to visit us. With a wonderful mix of textiles, mixed media and paintings...
Weaving with waste

Weaving with waste

I grew up understanding the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, so it is second nature to me. My first memories of recycling items must be from the late 1980’s when I became tall enough to help my Dad put glass bottles into the big recycling containers in...
Taking part in Letchworth Green Festival

Taking part in Letchworth Green Festival

The Wynd Gallery is taking part in Letchworth’s Green festival on the 11th September, with window displays of work high lighting artists working with the natural world and recycling. My woven tapestries and art are mainly created with repurposed and second-hand...